Pinterest strikes again! This time with DIY jewelry cleaner!

I had a rare free evening tonight and found myself sucked into Pinterest. (Who am I kidding? I find myself sucked into Pinterest on a busy evening.) But rather than just being sucked in with no escape tonight, I actually tried a DIY jewelry cleaner I pinned from my friend Rhonda.

My fake sparkles had become quite dull over the past few months, but after using this easy-peasy cleaner made from everyday household items, y’all will need sunglasses the next time you see me. BLING!

I can’t take the credit for the recipe–it originated at However, I did make this graphic to hopefully burn the image of the recipe in your brain so you’ll remember it forever and will be able to clean the Queen’s crown jewels if the opportunity ever arises.

Happy cleaning! Happy sparkling! Happy Pinning!

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